(067) 441-76-27 (Viber); (044) 486-05-85; 482-15-57, 482-17-78 (067) 489-89-29; (044) 235-15-86; 202-15-50, 202-17-55

Accredited translations

Our translators have been accredited to the Embassy of France in Ukraine (we've got a special stamp from the Embassy) and the Embassy of Italy in Ukraine. We provide accredited translation of documents for submission to the said Embassies. 

How are the accredited translations in French certified?

Translations are certified with a special stamp in French provided to us by the French Embassy in Ukraine and Lingo's seal. The accredited translations are accepted by the French Embassy in Ukraine as well as by authorities in France.


To order translation of your documents, please visit one of our offices in Kyiv or send scanned copies by email:

You may order translation of your documents by requesting it online and attaching scanned copies: